Sunday, September 11, 2011

1919 Antique Fan

This fan is such an amazing antique to have on my distressed dresser. This fan is a Westinghouse from 1919 it is rusty and old. My dad found this in a junk pile and kept it for years then the other day when I was complaining of not having a really OLD fan he said well I have one but it doesn't work and it is very heavy and rusty! That was all ok with me since it is just a styling prop. Although I am thinking that maybe my husband could rewire this and get it to work…hmm we'll see. I have learned to style my house the very thrifty way of shopping your own house or even your parents house. A lot of times older people have amazing things sitting in their garage, storage, or basement that they don't want or have forgotten about. I suggest asking if you could look through stuff they don't want then using the treasures you find to style vintage looking furniture.
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